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Aquastream's First



Aquastream padded after Forestpelt, loving the feel of the cool sand beneath her paws. Even after all of the time she had spent with Beachclan, she had never quite gotten used to how wonderful the beach felt. It was nothing like the pebbly lakeshore back in Thunderclan, with the sharp rocks and bits of driftwood jutting up through the gray gravel. The sand here was so soft and pure, like the fur of a newborn kit.

Forestpelt turned and glanced back at her, stopping to wait for her to catch up. Smiling meekly, Aquastream quickened her pace. It was kind of embarassing that she’d let the handsome tom get ahead of her on a casual hunt, especially since he had beat her pretty badly in the swimming competition they had had the other day. He was faster than her without even trying! But maybe he just unintentionally sped up when he was nervous. Although his amber eyes were warm, they betrayed his uneasiness as clear as day.

“I love how the sand cools off at this time of day,” she mewed, breaking the silence.

“I know right!” Forestpelt purred. “It’s so yucky to walk on when it’s hot, but at twilight it feels so nice underpaw.”

Aquastream laughed. “Does it ever! I’m glad we do most of our hunting away from the beach. I mean, I love the beach and all, but just not to hunt on.”

Forestpelt’s gaze grew suddenly serious. “Aquastream, do you like it here?”

Aquastream smiled. “I love it here. I’ve made so many great friends, and something about the ocean is just so magical. I feel so at home here, and…sometimes I don’t ever want to leave. Even though I’ve completed my quest and all that.”

“Do you think you’re going to go back to Thunderclan?” he asked softly.

Aquastream turned and met his eyes. They stood in silence for several heartbeats as she pondered the question. For a bit, she had been considering it. It only made sense to leave after Oceanstorm inevitably rejected her; if she stayed, it would only be all the more painful to see him every day and know he could never be hers. There were plenty more toms to chase back at the lake.Waterfoot, Sunstripe, Bramblespots...even Hawkflight might come to his senses and realize what he had been missing when he turned her down. Besides, she really wanted to get back to her three oldest friends. Bluemist, Maplestorm, and Pineflower must be missing her terribly.

But all of that was before Forestpelt had joined Beachclan. Forestpelt, with his eyes the color of the sky at sunset and his glossy dark tabby pelt with the underbelly like a fluffy cloud. She loved the way he teased her and joked with her and went out of his way to talk to her, and how he had never once said anything unkind to her. She loved the way he looked when he swam, so strong and muscular and yet carefree. She loved the way he was open with her and how they could talk for a long time without it being awkward. And most of all, she loved the way he had gathered up the courage to ask her to go on a solo hunt with him. No tom had ever asked her to do that. Of course, she had flirted with Oceanstorm in camp and on patrols, but they had never been alone together for an extended period of time. And here she was, out on a secluded corner of the beach with a very attractive tom. The rest of the world was dead to them.

“I don’t know,” she meowed finally.

“I wish you wouldn’t,” he pressed. “I would hate to have my friend leave and never see her again.”

‘Is that it? Is he friendzoning me?’ Forestpelt quickly saw his mistake from the flash in Aquastream’s pale blue-green eyes, and hastily changed the subject. “Hey, the sun is just starting to set!” he piped up.

“I love how the sunsets look here,” Aquastream purred. “How the sun just seems to shine out on the water and the whole sky turns pinkish-gold.”

“We’d get a better view from up there.” Forestpelt flicked his tail up to the top of a small grass-covered bluff. “What do you say we go up and watch it?”

“Uhhh…okay!” Aquastream smiled shyly, feeling her paws tremble slightly. Watching the sunset was romantic enough, but her and Forestpelt’s relationship was advancing a little too quickly for her taste. But then again…hadn’t it always been that way? They had met barely a quarter-moon ago, when Forestpelt has joined the clan as a rogue. The two had been flirting it up the whole time, and now Aquastream had been rewarded for her week-long flirtation with her first date. She didn’t doubt the whole love-at-first-sight thing was bullshit, but she and Forestpelt definitely had genuine chemistry. Maybe this was fast, but it was certainly farther than she would probably ever get with Oceanstorm.

She scrambled up the steep dirt slope to the top of the bluff, Forestpelt a tail-length ahead of her. At one point, she stepped on a clump of loose dirt and would have embarassingly slid right back the way she came had the dark brown tabby tom not turned around and caught her neatuly by the scruff. She grinned up at him, blushing bright red under her ginger fur.

“That was a close one,” he meowed.

“Yeah, thanks,” she muttered, trying as best she could to hide her mortification.

Relieved to be off of the slippery dirt and onto the sturdy grass, Aquastream followed Forestpelt to the edge of the bluff. He parked himself right next to a palm tree. He flicked his tail to the spot beside him, gesturing for her to join him. She slinked over and sat beside him, being careful not to get too close. They fell into silence as they watched the clouds go from golden to orange to dark red, their shadows rippling on the surface of the ocean. The water turned a peachy pink, making Aquastream’s mouth water for the sweet fruit.

To her surprise, the silence wasn’t awkward. It was more contented than anything, with no sound but the waves on the shore. The sweet ocean air filled her nostrils, as well as Forestpelt’s sharply clean scent. Apparently he had washed himself pretty thoroughly before their little trip. Letting her muscles relax, Aquastream let it sink in that, for the first time in her life, she had a tom exactly where she wanted him.

Twilight was beginning to set in when Forestpelt scooted closer to her and curled his tail around her back. Instantly, Aquastream’s relaxed mood dropped and every muscle in her body tensed up again. Where was he going with this? Of course, it had been obvious from the start that Forestpelt had asked her to go hunting with him because he liked her, but now that he was actually showing it…it all felt so new and alien to Aquastream that she scarcely knew what to feel. ‘Is he really going to go this far?’

He scooted closer, pressing his brown pelt against hers. Almost robotically, she pressed back. Her heart was pounding like a drum, beating faster than it ever had. Slowly, almost cautiously, Forestpelt nuzzled his head against hers. Aquastream nuzzled back, a purr escaping her throat. His cheek felt soft against hers, his whiskers ticking her slightly. As they nuzzled, he started to turn his head toward her so that his nose was on her cheek. His intentions became all too clear.

No use waiting any longer for this, Aquastream thought. She turned her head to the side so she was facing the tabby tom. She nuzzled him a bit more, before their mouths met.

Something like a cross between exhileration and panic seized Aquastream. ‘I’m doing it! I’m kissing a tom!’ This is what she had always wanted, and now it was really happening…not just another faded daydream in her mind. Why, then, did it feel so…strange? It wasn’t unpleasant at all, of course. Forestpelt’s mouth was slightly wet, and a little bit of his saliva stuck to the fur around her mouth, but she didn’t mind that much. He wasn’t that bad a kisser, as far as she knew…she was just going off of instinct, so she had no idea how she was doing. Still, despite how long she had been anticipating this, it still felt so utterly…bizarre.

‘It doesn’t matter how weird it feels,’ she told herself sharply. ‘I’m off the hook. I can stop giving myself crap about this and just live my life however I want to. Just another accomplishment to put on my tab!’

They kissed a few more times before the sun sunk into the sea and the stars started to come out. Aquastream was still feeling shaky. She had gone from never kissing a tom to kissing a tom like, 6 times in less than an hour. It still quite hadn’t sunk in.

“We should probably head back now,” she mewed, standing up.

Forestpelt nodded. “Yeah, we should. Although we didn’t exactly catch much prey, now did we?”

Aquastream laughed. “No, we really didn’t!”

Scaling the bluff in the dark was difficult, but Aquastream managed to get back down to the beach without breaking her neck. The ironic part was that climbing down a slope in the dark wasn’t nearly as nervewracking as kissing Forestpelt had been.

“So that was a really nice sunset,” Forestpelt meowed as they were walking back.

Aquastream nodded. “Yeah. They’re so much prettier here than they are back by the lake.”

Forestpelt grinned. “Oh, I bet!”

“Yeah, the beach is great,” she went on. “The weather is so nice here, too. Not as cold in the winter.”

Forestpelt suddenly gave her a look of genuine concern. “Hey, uh…I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, did I?”

“Oh, no!” Aquastream quickly shook her head. “As long as you’re not hardcore making out with me, I’m fine.”

“I don’t think we’re quite there yet.” Forestpelt let out a purr of amusement. Aquastream giggled.

“So do you think you’re going to stay?” he asked. It was the same question he’d asked her earlier, but now she had a better idea of what her answer would be.

“Yeah.” For the first time that night, she smiled. Really smiled. And meant it. “I think I am.”

Well, looky what we have here! My incredibly boy-crazy OC Aquastream, who I only created so I would be able to draw myself catified and all of my catified crushes as couples, has finally kissed a tom! And you know what that means…I’VE FINALLY HAD MY FIRST KISS, BITCHES. Ever since I got into the warriors fandom and started wanting to kiss a boy, my plan has been to draw my first kiss in cat form. And now…I finally got to do it :D Granted, I’m 16 and it’s a little late for a first kiss, but hey…better than 17 or 18! And my goal was to have it at age 15, so I’m only a year late! But yeah…me and this guy on my swim team were in a flirtationship for most of the summer, and then finally toward the end, he asked me out. And if I could describe our relationship in one sentence, it would be “Well THAT escalated quickly!” No really…we “met” (we’d met previously at the end-of-year party the summer before because he’s the older brother of one of my swim team friends, but we hadn’t really talked then) on the 4th of July, when he came to our swim practice because all we did was screw around since it was a holiday and all. Well, we both started feeling the sparks right away, and continuously flirted with one another for the next 3 weeks. Then, at my birthday party, we had a semi-romantic moment where we were lying next to each other in my rented bouncy castle looking up at the stars through the airholes in the roof, and he's like "Do you ever wonder if there are other worlds out there…full of taco people?" and I'm just like "Funny, I thought you were going a whole different direction with that!" And then he went on to say he would be the sexiest of the taco people, and I readily agreed. Then later on he asked for my number, and THE DAY AFTER my birthday party, the dude asked me out over text. Good thing it wasn’t in person so he couldn’t see me spazz the fuck out! So, after a nervous-wreck dinner of popcorn shrimp, we went out.
And no, I didn’t have my first kiss under a palm tree on the beach at sunset! Damn, I wish! Nope, the real thing was in the back of a movie theatre during one of the many explosions in Pacific Rim. Soooo romantic! Nah, I just made Aquastream and Forespelt kiss on the beach because 1) cats don’t watch movies and 2) since she’s my OC, I can make her first kiss as romantic as I want to XD Kisses on the beach beat movie theatre kisses any day.
Also, if you’re wondering if things lasted with this guy…not exactly ^^; I texted him a lot after swim team ended, but I got tired of always having to be the one who texted first. And then once school started, I immediately went back to liking the Oceanstorm guy (in this picture here:… But, if you ship this couple in your happy world, you’re welcome to pretend we stayed together :XD: Besides, there’s always next summer, right? But for now…LET ME LOVE YOU, OCEANSTORM!!!…
So some background on the story…basically, Aquastream was born and raised in Thunderclan, and all she ever did was chase toms. Starclan wanted to give her something productive to do with her life, so they sent her on a quest to help a bunch of rogues by the Sun-Drown-Place form a new clan, Beachclan. No such luck! She completed her quest and all, but she’s still a complete slut. Well, as slutty as a virgin cat can be XD Yeah, it’s my first kiss and it’s a pretty big deal, so I decided to write a short story about it :P The story’s basically how I felt on my first date and while having my first kiss, except the sunset was a movie, and our small talk wasn’t about the beach. But you get the idea!
So this picture…damn, didn’t realize until I finished that she looks like she’s kissing Hawkfrost :/ hawky and Forestpelt look pretty much the same,with the main difference being that Hawk’s eyes are blue and Forest’s eyes are amber (the real guy has brown eyes, but I made them amber when I catified him because cats don’t naturally have brown eyes). With Forestpelt’s eyes closed in the passion of the moment, you can’t tell he’s not Hawkfrost! O____o But take my word for it…HE’S NOT. Anyway, let it be said that KISSING CATS ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO DRAW. Especially since it’s near impossible to find a good reference of them! I just took a picture where the cats were touching noses, and I just thought, “Oh, no problem! I’ll just move them closer together and make their mouths touching! Can’t be that hard, right?” WRONG. I went through like 6 refs before I found one that actually worked D: But in the end, I don’t think it came out half bad :3 Man, I just love Aquastream’s expression :lmao: And of course, the inevitable little bit of blush! She’s all like “WUT” and Forestpelt is enjoying himself far too much X3 You can guess who initiated, eh? I have for the second time pulled off the feat of actually making Aquastream’s stripes look darker than her body, so YAY ME! And I can never get her eye color exactly the shade I want it, but I came pretty close this time :meow:
Ah, the background…well, I was originally going to draw it, but then I remembered I can’t draw palm trees worth a crap, so I decided to use an already-existing picture. The original picture was actually way bigger, so I had to crop it way down so it looked to scale with the cats. That’s why it’s not the best quality :( I hope you can forgive me! Still looks pretty, though :3 Kinda cool how Aquastream’s fur is like…the same color as the water and Forestpelt’s fur goes with the dark silhouettes :D
So that’s pretty much it. Here are my 2 references: the one I started out using… and the one I ended up using… That second one XD So ja…my first kiss, catified! (which just proves even more that I’m going to die alone with 57 cats)
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